Douglas M. Bryce
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Successful Organic Gardening
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Successful Organic Gardening
You don’t have to be a health nut to embrace organic gardening.  Imagine the wonderful way you’ll feel knowing that you are serving foods that were grown all naturally without the risks that come from applying chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

It’s easier than you think.  If you’ve been gardening for years or are just beginning to grow your own food, organic gardening can provide you with peace of mind and pride in your produce.  Don’t have any clues how to start?  That’s why you’re reading this book!

We will explore the advantages of organic gardening as well as the best way to begin your all-natural garden.  We’ll give you ideas about mulching, weed control, and composting.  Plus, we’ll give you some ideas on all-natural pest controls and ways to make sure your garden thrives – without chemicals!

We even include basic instructions  for building your own soil, and creating natural insect removers and fertilizers.

Get your copy of Successful Organic Gardening now and start having fun and living healthy right away!