We called him GrandDad not because we wanted to, but because he wanted us to.”
His real name was Alec Duncan. In Scotland, Alec means "defender of freedom" and he
absolutely was. We all called him GrandDad, not because we wanted to, but because he
wanted us to. He said it sounded more "comfortable" than grandpa, pops, or any other
shortcut to using a respectful, proper name for his status in life.
He loved life. He enjoyed being outdoors among his gardens, his woods, and his pond.
He loved sharing them all with his Jewish wife of 56 years, Anne. In Hebrew, Anne means
"favored one", and she absolutely was. We all called her Gram, because she preferred it to
the older sounding grandma, or granny.
Together, they made a fantastic couple. On his 56th wedding anniversary, someone asked
GrandDad, “To what do you attribute your long length of marriage?” He replied, “We were
told that marriage was a 50-50 proposition. We decided to make it 100-100. We both give
everything we can to the marriage, and support each other in every way possible. We
enjoy each other’s company, applaud each other’s accomplishments, and overlook each
other’s faults.” 
My Gram was also very influential in my upbringing, and I enjoyed every minute we
were together. GrandDad presented life’s lessons in more of a "manly" way. He was very
direct, and usually included use of our hands, as well as our minds. I felt a firm bonding
with him that just could not be shared with Gram. She and I had a different bond; one that
was based on coloring, playing card games, cooking, and finding the good side in
everybody, no matter who they were or what they did.
I spent many summers and weekends with them both. In the following pages, you will
see how GrandDad found a way to teach me behavior patterns and character by comparing
life’s phases to those of garden plants, forests, and ponds, among other things. I will do
the same for my children and grandchildren when they arrive. GrandDad will be proud of